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Dear readers, I have another message to deliver. One that I have told some people in person, which did not have a very positive return. 

But this message came up in conversation recently and I thought I’d share it with you. 

Out of love, exhortation, and building up of Christ’s Bride, The Church. 

If you don’t like what is said or you think it doesn’t apply to you, I would highly recommend going and talking to God about this either way.

Slow down, and let Him respond to you in a way that you will hear. 

Mitchell, listen and repeat this to my people.

Wake up from your slumber. You’ve been sleeping too long in the religions and traditions you hold so tight.

I am coming back soon. Just as My Holy Word says, and I want to see you all working when I do. 

I’ve clearly told you what you ought to be doing, but the amount of excuses and whining that I hear from you all instead of prayer and worship is sickening. 

Children wake up!!!

Please, no more fooling around. 

Time is so precious and you are all wasting the time I’ve given you. I urge you to repent and come back to your first love. 


Once your eyes are fixed on Me, by My Spirit I will send you into the fields I’ve prepared for you.

This is not a test. Are you hearing this?

My Son died for your sins to be washed away. You have a clean slate before Me. 

Yet why do you worry? If I’m truly the King of your Heart why do you act as if I’m truly just a character in a children’s book?

A kind and loving man who just loves all. 

I’m God. 

I’m holy, perfect, gentle, kind, and yet just, and the way you’ve all been playing church sickens Me. 

I hate it, and most of you I will spit out of My mouth. I hate that you are lukewarm. 

I hate it so much. 

You were created for so much more than this lie of a life you’ve been living. 

Please. Hear this. 

Do you love Me?

Do you actually live like My Son died on a cross for you to live in freedom?

Today I’m calling you out.

The comfortable, the relaxed, the laid back, and the lukewarm. You’re on your way to Hell. 

I won’t sugarcoat your final destination. 

But that’s a choice you’re choosing.

Those who love Me and listen to My Holy Word and actually abide in Me are saved. 

You know if you aren’t on the narrow path that My Son spoke of in Matthew 7. 

Many will fall on their face saying how much they loved Me in the last days. 

But I will tell them, “Then why didn’t you live like it when you walked on the earth?”

Church, wake up!!!

You are so filthy and conceited. Let Me break you apart from what you think a church ought to look like, what I call you to be is much different than you are right now this moment. 

Please listen to Me and allow My words to penetrate your heart like a double-edged sword. 

All My sons and daughters should live and love one another as a family, Holy and set apart in this world. 

You will stand out if you lived as My Son did. 

The persecution will be great, yet the glory in the next life will be greater. 

This will be the first of many warnings to come. 

You must turn around and come back to Me. 

If you want nothing to do with Me now, I’ll have nothing to do with you when you say “Lord, Lord.”

Let today’s word break you apart. Know that I see you, and I love you too much to see you continue in sin. 

You were made for so much more than a service once a week. 

You ought to live on mission outside these four walls. 

There are hurting people out there. 

But you must deal with the hurting people in here first. 

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