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Dear family, 

I’m sure you are probably sick of all the Facebook posts concerning New Year Resolutions, or how next year will be such a better year than this past year was. I’m not here to make you happy, and I will never be fake for you, sorry bout your bad luck. 

Everything you ever read or hear from me will be honest truth. This post is no different. 

Honestly, this has been the best year of my life. 

If you’re a human on this planet you’re probably thinking “He’s either crazy or a liar. Or both.” 

I am sadly both some days. But at this moment in time, I am being very honest and quite sane. 

2020 wrecked me. Just as it most likely did for you. But praise God for that, if life didn’t have trials and hard times why would we even turn to God? We’d have no need for Him at all. The genie in a bottle complex would be our only view of God. 

This life is full of sin, hurt, brokenness. you cannot run away or avoid it, and this year time after time I was knocked down, sat there for a moment, did a little crying and praying, then I got back onto my feet and kept walking on. 

This post isn’t about what I’m changing next year, I’m not a huge fan of planning out what I’m going to learn. God’s a better teacher than I ever will be. Of course, I’ll have things I’m going to focus on for sure, I desire to abide in Christ, and become more holy each day. 

That mindset and desires don’t start tomorrow. When salvation and the Gospel became very real and important to me years ago, that’s when everything changed. It’s been a wild and amazing ride ever since. 

Now. There is one thing I wanted to share with you. It’s a bit silly, but listen and do your best to have an open mind. 

“Do or do not, there is no try.”  – Yoda

Now, most of you probably have heard this quote, and you probably are snickering or rolling your eyes now. Go ahead. Now read this next line carefully. 

How often do you use the word try as a middle ground for ‘potentially’ doing something?

Intrigued yet? 

When someone says they’re going to try and do something what are they saying? Do they actually have any intentions for doing what they just described? Or are they just saying that to say it.

Allow me to explain. 

If you said you were going to try sky diving, you suit up, get up in the plane, and jump out, did you…?

A. Do it. 

B. Not do it. 

C. Try it. 

If you chose option A you are correct!

Not convinced. How about saying you’re going to try new food. If you take the forkful of food, put it in your mouth, chew it, and spit it out on the floor before you swallow it did you…?

A. Eat it. 

B. Not Eat it. 

C. Try it. 

I hope you all chose Option B. It’s pretty straight forward. 

So why do we always say, I’ll try to do that, I can try again tomorrow if you fail try try again. 

At the beginning of 2020, I was sitting and talking with my good friend and I brought up this quote and asked what they thought about this mentality of not having a middle ground, you either do something or don’t.

They didn’t know what to say. They wanted to fight the silly logic but they didn’t know how to. 

I then decided to begin weening the word ‘try’ out of my vocabulary. 

Wait. Seriously? Why?

In my favorite scripture in the whole Bible, it says whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

I don’t know about you, but I never want to try to glorify God in my life. I want to do it or not do it. 

For some reason, if there is a middle ground option to any question we as humans almost always choose the middle option. Why? Wouldn’t we rather be known as men and women who say we’ll do something or we won’t.

Looking back at 2020 I can say I didn’t try one bit. And I fully intend on not trying to do anything for the rest of my time here on this earth. 

I’m gonna do it. Or I am going to fail as I do my best. And I encourage you to take this silly thought and reflect upon it.

Seriously, go and ask God do I try? Do you want me to?

This might be an area in your life God wants to shine some light on. Don’t run away and hide from Him as He searches your heart.  

After you read this letter you’ll start hearing the word ‘try’ everywhere in conversation. Trust me.

Til next year, 



One response to “2020: The Year I Didn’t Try One Bit”

  1. I believe you are off this week – we will be praying for you and your team! God bless!

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