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Dear Family, 

This will be the last letter I write to you while I am still stateside. How far we have come. 

Tomorrow morning at 4 AM I am going to drive out to an airport, fly for the first time, and arrive in Georgia, where I will receive a couple more days of training sessions to fully prepare me for my role on the field.

Now, I wanted to share something with you.

I am not doing anything special or different overseas than what you ought to be doing exactly where you are.  

Read that again. 

I am not doing anything special or different overseas than what you ought to be doing exactly where you are.  

I am following the same command you’ve been given. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”

I have heard multiple times from different people, “I could never do that.” “Wow, that’s so cool that God is using you in that way.” “I wish God would allow me to do something like that.” 

Well, let’s take a long pause there. 

I’m not special. According to Paul, we are all on the same playing field. I don’t have amazing gifts that you don’t have, and that’s why God chose me. 

No. Absolutely not. 

He doesn’t just use Pastors, Evangelists, and Missionaries to do His work. I don’t believe there are a select few in this world that get called into full-time ministry. As sons and daughters of Christ, our lives are ministry. 

We don’t clock in to give God glory. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 

We are always on the clock. You don’t get to turn off your light in this dark world, it needs to be burning bright at all times. No exceptions. 

The opportunity to do The World Race is amazing, sure, we agree on that. But the only variable that’s changing from where I am here in Mt. Pleasant Iowa, is my location.

I’m going to Costa Rica as my first country, I will be serving Children and Young Adults in need. That’s something we ought to be doing here in America. 

Today I’m challenging you to start a movement. To begin a state of change or remaking wherever you are, to challenge others on how they view the Christian walk and how it most likely needs to change, none of us will be perfect until Heaven. 

Just like I mentioned in my Housefires series. We’re very comfortable with a Sunday Morning Church relationship with God. Anything more than that invades my life and my time a bit too much. 

There is a short and amazing Ted Talk that I watched a good couple of years ago, and it taught you “How to Start a Movement”. I’ll put it down at the bottom so you can watch if you’d like. 

A movement starts with one guy. A Lone Nut, this Lone Nut has an idea, he shares the idea, and he gains a First Follower. He embraces the First Follower, and now it’s no longer about the leader, it’s about them, plural. 

The First Follower calls out to his friends to join in on the idea. And soon A third member joins in. They both embrace him and now three is a crowd, and it’s now news. 

You grow more and more, everything gains momentum. This is the tipping point. We now have a movement. 

If you didn’t understand any of that I’m sorry, I did my best, you can watch the video at the bottom to get a clearer picture. 

Here’s the point. We, The Church we are to come together and GO out and make disciples. The point is not to bring them back to our church building. They don’t need that. They need Jesus. Not a bunch of judgemental people who think they’re on their way to Heaven. 

You need movement. To start moving towards the discipleship lifestyle. It’s a command from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If you think otherwise you are wrong. Go examine your heart according to the scriptures and come back. 

If you’re a Lone Nut, go find some First Followers, if you’re a First Follower go find a Lone Nut to support. Keep each other accountable as you both run after the high calling of Jesus. 

You don’t get a break from this. This life is fleeting. Live it well. 

As I go tomorrow, I hope and pray you to prepare yourself today to do the same.


If you’d like to follow along on my journey please consider subscribing to my blog, you’ll receive email updates, or text messages as well if you’d prefer that. 

I love you all, Go run after Him with everything you’ve got!

Until next time, 





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