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Dear family, 

This is my last letter concerning The Church, (for now anyway) I’m sure there will be more down the line. 

The Church is a topic I feel called to shepherd for the rest of my life, due to the fact of how many hurt and broken people just go to church.

What’s the answer? I’m sure that’s why you’re still here.

How are we supposed to be The Church??

The answer you seek really lies in your own convictions, and the examples laid out in The Bible. 

The Church are people who have a very real and passionate relationship with God. They are here on earth to share the Gospel, love and serve those that God has put around them.

I know of many different local church bodies that have done this well, which is very difficult, and possibly God has allowed you to find one of these few places. Praise Him, that is fantastic! But for some of you that probably is not the case. 

The Bible is very clear that not all of the preachers and teachers on this earth are actually here to help you with your walk with Christ. Using your discernment is key when finding other followers of Christ that push you closer in your relationship to Christ than the actual world around you.     

Here is the conclusion I have come to. 

As believers in Christ, we ought to link arms together and walk through life hand in hand. The kind of community that I desire is one that is willing and wanting to spend time with me consistently throughout the week, do life with me, go out with one another making disciples, be there for my ups and downs, when I need to be called out in my sin, worship corporately, to celebrate with each other when God shows up in big ways.

Not just for Sunday morning church, bible studies, not just for prayer meetings, not just for youth groups. We’re humans, we need to do things more organically, not just sign up for Christian programs that we want to participate in throughout the week. 

We ought to be so involved in each other’s lives that it’s uncomfortable.

Yet. Here we are, longing for Sunday to see our Christian friends again.

Here’s where I’m at. God moved me out to Mt. Pleasant Iowa over these past couple of months I have gone and worshiped with many local churches. I personally like smaller groups, you feel more connected when you’re involved in every member’s life. 

God recently blessed me by allowing me to find a House Church, they’re a small bunch of broken people, they meet together in a house, worship together via songs on youtube, and open the Bible together around a dinner table. They love Christ and want to make His name known, they’re still learning and growing in how they want to be The Church. But I know God’s gonna continue to work in their hearts, and hopefully grow so big they’ll have to multiply into two different houses for corporate worship. 

So where am I going with this? I want to challenge how you view The Church. Maybe it needs to change, shift, or evolve all together. 

These letters are for The Church. If you are apart of the family, please don’t just shrug these letters off. Read them, then take them to God, ask Him how He views The Church, you might be a little shocked with the response you get back. 

Until next time, 




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