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Dear readers,

This letter is almost a full year in the making. I do believe it is worth the wait, you of course had no idea you were waiting for it so honestly, you haven’t waited one bit for this.

But, I have four letters coming your way. Three of which have been prayed over and have been discerned time and time again.

Now, before walking forward we must further discuss the content of the following letters.

You probably won’t like them.

Most of you who follow my writings would deem yourself to be a Christian. A follower of God, or a disciple.

If you don’t like either of those titles you can just adapt the title of “Church Goer”. Allow me to continue.

What I will disclose in the following letters is unbelievable. It is just a fact. It’s not normal, and it will be easy to write off as nonsense or click-bait. But yet I definitely have already shared a story about being healed of an incurable disease and a crazy amazing vision I once had…

I assure you it’s neither. I do not write these letters for any sense of pride. My only purpose in writing is to glorify God with each word written, and lord-willing anything you read you may share to edify and encourage the body of The Church.  

I want to disclose this overall statement. My sins have been washed by the blood of Jesus, I have accepted the redemption and righteousness He freely gave me.

If you can say the same with confidence, and your lifestyle is a living testimony of what Jesus has done on your behalf I can call you my brother or my sister. Praise God for that undeniable truth.  

I have no standing amongst humans that I will boast upon. I can boast of Christ on the Cross, that’s it.

That is the preface, everything that follows please use discernment as I have done my best to.

This letter is titled ‘Discernment’ for that very reason.


Please, allow me to paint the picture of the story we are now diving into.

Back around this time last year, God allowed me to travel to Costa Rica as a part of The World Race Missionary journey. He fully funded me in 99 days and prepared me for a lifestyle of ministry.

Once we arrived overseas my eyes were opened in a way I did not think would be possible. God showed me a whole culture that I was absolutely incapable of surviving alone.

It was quite intimidating actually.

We arrived at our location out in the jungle and I had one of the worst nights of my life. (Please go and read The Night I Collapsed if you haven’t already.)

After that dreadful night, I walked through The Desert for about a week. (I also wrote a letter about that.)

The week itself was exhausting. I was emotionally, physically, and spiritually drained in every way. No matter what I did I did not feel God’s presence. And in doing so I thought I somehow lost my salvation. (dramatic thoughts I know. I’m glad I was in this headspace for only a week.)

The one phrase written on my heart was “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

I read the scriptures, I had no joy. I wanted to pray, but I felt so alone. I wanted to worship, but how could I praise the one who left me in this Desert.

You need to have the valleys to appreciate the hills when you are on them.

One day I went out by myself. I wanted to yell and scream at God. I was furious and terrified about why I felt and thought the way I did at the time.

There I was, yelling at God for allowing me to doubt his goodness and faithfulness.

I wrote out an angry prayer in my journal and held it up to the sky…

“Couldn’t you just respond? Can’t you assure me you’re even there? Aren’t you good? I’ve heard so many people say they hear you, why haven’t you ever talked to me?”

The next thing that happened rocked my world.

I can’t write this without a smile rolling across my face.

He spoke to me.

A still small voice in my thoughts.

Clear as day.

God spoke to me. He answered the prayer I wrote down in my journal.  

I lost it.

I was so overjoyed; I was pacing with fear of The Holy God of All Things who just spoke to me.

He did it. He didn’t need to. But He did it.

I was so excited that I wrote down another prayer and asked Him to answer it again.

He did.

I’m a numbers guy, so I asked to go three for three.

He did.

I prayed, He answered. No hocus pocus, no clouded emotions or imagination involved. 

Now allow me to finish the story before all the doubts and the skeptical questions flood your mind.  

I praised Him all day after that moment, straight into the night I was singing (more like screaming) I had nothing but praise for My King, who graciously blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. He leaned down and cast out all fear and comforted me with His loving voice.

You better believe I slept so well that night, perfect peace surrounded my head and my heart.

I had confidence in the Lord Almighty, and I never wanted to let Him go.

The following three letters were written over two days.

I spoke with God The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

I pray that God speaks to you through them as He did with me.





One response to “Discernment: Beforehand”

  1. Powerful words.
    Would love to hear how you’re using this energy.
    Praying for you!

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