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Thoughts & Inspiration

Dear readers,

I am now writing to you the second letter covering the past months of silence. The second word to describe the month would be FIRE.

Please allow me to explain.

I asked God to refine me, no matter the cost, no matter the pain that would inevitably come. I wanted to become more like Christ. To walk as He did.

He also blessed me with 3 Roles. After waiting for what felt like forever, he gave me a job landscaping, also being a youth specialist for a young home. And the icing on the cake I was asked to help lead and disciple a large group of young adults in a bible study.  

I began working the two jobs and I got burnt out very fast. But yet God was clearly my strength each day. I wanted to bring Him glory, whether I was planting trees or mentoring a teenager through a tough situation.

Both jobs pushed me so far physically and spiritually. I am so grateful. 

God really convicted me one day as I was whining about not being on the Mission trip I had prayed, prepared, and jumped into. He said something along the lines of “The Mission hasn’t changed. Just your location.”

God, once again pierced my heart. But man did I need it.

I started to take every chance I got to share the gospel with co-workers and the clients I would work with. Let me encourage you with this, God blesses what He wants to bless, if God has someone’s ears and hearts open to receive the Gospel they will embrace it with open arms. You don’t need to worry about the Gospel doing its job. It’s already been done; you just need to share the gift you have been given.

Man did God show me so much in that time.

I also knew there was so much in my life that I refused to give to God. A lot of stubbornness and pride that somehow I wanted to justify was from Him.

“How dare you sin in God’s name.”

If you do something, claiming that God wants you to do it, and God is clearly not a part of it whatsoever. You are putting on a God Badge and saying “Look what I’m doing for God.”

Laying everything out in the open. I thought God wanted me to create and lead a church. So I did everything I could to do so. God even gave me a house to live in and host gatherings. I was so flippin’ excited to do what He called me to do. I thought God wanted the Bible study He was allowing me to co-lead to turn into this amazing Church. I thought I was actually going in the right direction for once in my life.

Have you noticed how much I’ve said “I thought______.”?

God didn’t like that. He knew I was running so far and hard without even stopping to talk with God. And when I did it was just request after request of what I wanted. God turned into a genie for me, unintentionally of course, yet He waited patiently for me to lay myself down. He wanted all of me, the week it all fell apart. 

The fire chapter just finished for me this past week. Not to say I’m done walking through fire, I’m sure and I hope that God continues to refine me to be more like Him every day for the rest of my life.

The last letter will shed some light on the last Chapter that I just started. WAITING.

Until then,


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