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Dear readers, 

I want to share with you a great question. 

“If you gave your life to God to use for His awesome purpose, why would you ever doubt his perfect plan?”

For me, this question has been floating around in my head all day. God can do whatever he wants, when he wants, with whomever he wants. 

What can I do but trust him fully? 

Well. I could go sit in the corner cry my eyes out and get overwhelmed by the brokenness and the chaos of the world. I can yell out to God and be furious over the twists and turns in my story that makes absolutely no sense.

But. I gave Him my life. He can do with it whatever he wants. 

I have absolutely no reason to doubt one bit.  

My phone rings as I type this last paragraph… 

My dear friend and brother in Christ answers on the other end. “Hey, brother you have someone covering the rest of your first financial deadline for your missions trip.” 

My heart drops into my stomach. “Wait what? Are you serious?”

“I’m not kidding. She can’t wait to meet you too.”

Ladies and Gentlemen, our amazing God at work. 

I had the opportunity to talk with him for 13 minutes, 93% of what I said was along the lines of “God is so good. Wow. God is so good.” 

That’s all I could think of. God did this. He didn’t have to. But He could. So He did.

I asked God if today would be my fleece moment. Just as Gideon had. Any affirmation that you are calling me in this direction. Now, here I am, sitting and reflecting on how awesome God is and how much peace I have walking down this path.

This is crazy. God is too good.   

But, where do I go from here? 

Well, my journey is far from done. I just passed the first checkpoint of this grand adventure called The World Race. But I am far from done. My training and preparation for this kingdom journey is starting to get serious. 

I refuse to waste a moment. God’s giving me a life to live for Him and His glory. As long as I am walking faithfully by His side we’re an unstoppable force. Let Satan attempt to stop us.

I want to encourage you with this letter. The same God of the universe that supplied the funds for me today is the same God that holds out his hand for you to hold. He loves you, and He never fails you.

If you want to continue to follow my story please, reach out to me, I need support, through prayer, encouragement, and financially as well. As you can see this story has been a real page-turner, I can’t wait to see what God does next, and the invitation for you to join will always be there. I want to bring as many people on this trip as I can.  

I will continue to pray over this trip, and for the ways God’s working in all the small details. I’m still praying and walking as though God will fund this trip in 100 days, due to a conversation I had with Him weeks back. That is 74 days from now. December 1st. 

Is He going to do it? 

I know He can. I will continue to walk by faith until He points me in another direction or my feet walk onto the airplane that will be launching me headfirst into ministry. 


I want to leave you with a quote I heard this past summer that rocked my world.

“The Christian life isn’t hard, it’s impossible. It’s a good thing we serve an impossible God.” 

Until we have the pleasure of speaking again.  




2 responses to “4:47PM”

  1. Really a grace from God. Keep trusting on Him. You’ve really encouraged me with this. Always trust him into the mysterious unknown. God bless.

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